Moushira Khattab shattered the glass ceiling for women across the Middle East when she was appointed Egypt’s Minister of Family and Population in 2009. Prior to this landmark appointment she led the fight against Female Genital Mutilation and child marriage as the head of the National Council on Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) and honed her negotiation skills as Ambassador to South Africa, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Her storied career as a diplomat took her from Vienna to Melbourne and to the UN Headquarters in New York. As one of the leading advocates for the rights of the child, she served as Vice Chair, Rapporteur, and member of UN Committee on the Rights of the Child between 2002 and 2010, and headed various other UN bodies.
The latest chapter for Moushira Khattab might soon be UNESCO Director-General, as she was nominated in July 2016 as Egypt’s candidate for the upcoming Director-General elections. If elected, she will be filling the shoes of the highly influential Irina Bokova. Khattab agreed to answer some of our questions on the changing role of the UN in the 21st century.
You are one of the best-known champions of the rights of women and children. You have devoted much of your career to the advancement of girl’s education and empowerment. What is the role you see United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) playing in advancing those rights?
One of the biggest achievements of the UN is its human rights system. Member states have committed themselves to protect, promote and implement human rights for their citizens without any discrimination based on gender, religion or any other grounds. With the reform of the UN system, there is more coordination and cooperation between various UN entities. UNESCO was established in 1945 with a clear mandate in the fields of education, culture and sciences. Today UNESCO has expanded its scope of work. Gender equality has become a global priority for UNESCO and inextricably linked to its efforts to promote the right to education and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Education is a human right; it is also a tool for accessing other human rights. Deprivation of the right to education impairs access to other human rights. Education is the first and most crucial of the five main domains comprising the mandate of UNESCO. UNESCO is committed to promoting gender equality in and through education systems from early childhood to higher education, in formal, and non-formal settings and in all intervention areas from planning infrastructure to training teachers.
Girls and women usually feature high among most vulnerable groups who suffer deprivation of the right to education. They are usually victims of multiple deprivations including poverty and exclusion hampering their full enjoyment of the right to education.
The education of girls and women has the highest impact on the family. UNESCO has unique expertise in helping states improve access to and quality of education.
UNESCO has played a role in implementing the Millennium Development Goals. This active role continues with the launch last year of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030. SDG 4 to ensures “Quality and inclusive education and lifelong learning” heralds a paradigm shift both in the role and vision of UNESCO. It signals a move from Education to learning. Learning is a proactive process and transcends education. UNESCO’s initiative on the global network of learning cities generates unprecedented opportunities for learning. It also broadens the concept of learning to embrace life skills and civic learning. Learning is not confined to one goal dealing with education but is rather intertwined within the 17 goals of Sustainable development. With the rising wave of violent extremism and terrorism the role of UNESCO with regards to Education becomes even more important than ever. Education is the most effective tool to protect youth from radicalization through building peace in the minds of men and women; the primary objective of UNESCO. Member states are urged to support and empower UNESCO more than ever. UNESCO’s field structures are crucial. Equally important is its partnership programs with key actors nationally, regionally and with other UN agencies as well as governments and civil society.
Looking back on your efforts on children’s rights reform in Egypt, and looking forward to the future challenges, what is the role of implementation in advancing human rights.
Implementation is key. Without implementation, human rights become empty slogans. The United Nations human rights system is one of the successes of our multilateralism. Its strength lies in its emphasis on implementation. The primary responsibility for the implementation of human rights falls upon States. Implementation of human rights requires raising the awareness of individuals of their rights. Equally important is capacity building for professionals. The measures of implementation of human rights at the national level also include putting in place the following:
- A national legal framework harmonised with the internationally agreed human rights standards as defined by the UN human Rights conventions.
- A national action plan with time bound objectives.
- A centralised data system disaggregated as per grounds of discrimination.
- Allocation of budgetary resources to the maximum available and, where possible, through international cooperation.
- Partnership with the civil society.
- Monitoring and evaluation.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.
a global affairs media network
A New Vision for UNESCO: Interview with Egypt’s Nominee for the Director General of UNESCO

December 22, 2016
Moushira Khattab shattered the glass ceiling for women across the Middle East when she was appointed Egypt’s Minister of Family and Population in 2009. Prior to this landmark appointment she led the fight against Female Genital Mutilation and child marriage as the head of the National Council on Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) and honed her negotiation skills as Ambassador to South Africa, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Her storied career as a diplomat took her from Vienna to Melbourne and to the UN Headquarters in New York. As one of the leading advocates for the rights of the child, she served as Vice Chair, Rapporteur, and member of UN Committee on the Rights of the Child between 2002 and 2010, and headed various other UN bodies.
The latest chapter for Moushira Khattab might soon be UNESCO Director-General, as she was nominated in July 2016 as Egypt’s candidate for the upcoming Director-General elections. If elected, she will be filling the shoes of the highly influential Irina Bokova. Khattab agreed to answer some of our questions on the changing role of the UN in the 21st century.
You are one of the best-known champions of the rights of women and children. You have devoted much of your career to the advancement of girl’s education and empowerment. What is the role you see United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) playing in advancing those rights?
One of the biggest achievements of the UN is its human rights system. Member states have committed themselves to protect, promote and implement human rights for their citizens without any discrimination based on gender, religion or any other grounds. With the reform of the UN system, there is more coordination and cooperation between various UN entities. UNESCO was established in 1945 with a clear mandate in the fields of education, culture and sciences. Today UNESCO has expanded its scope of work. Gender equality has become a global priority for UNESCO and inextricably linked to its efforts to promote the right to education and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Education is a human right; it is also a tool for accessing other human rights. Deprivation of the right to education impairs access to other human rights. Education is the first and most crucial of the five main domains comprising the mandate of UNESCO. UNESCO is committed to promoting gender equality in and through education systems from early childhood to higher education, in formal, and non-formal settings and in all intervention areas from planning infrastructure to training teachers.
Girls and women usually feature high among most vulnerable groups who suffer deprivation of the right to education. They are usually victims of multiple deprivations including poverty and exclusion hampering their full enjoyment of the right to education.
The education of girls and women has the highest impact on the family. UNESCO has unique expertise in helping states improve access to and quality of education.
UNESCO has played a role in implementing the Millennium Development Goals. This active role continues with the launch last year of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030. SDG 4 to ensures “Quality and inclusive education and lifelong learning” heralds a paradigm shift both in the role and vision of UNESCO. It signals a move from Education to learning. Learning is a proactive process and transcends education. UNESCO’s initiative on the global network of learning cities generates unprecedented opportunities for learning. It also broadens the concept of learning to embrace life skills and civic learning. Learning is not confined to one goal dealing with education but is rather intertwined within the 17 goals of Sustainable development. With the rising wave of violent extremism and terrorism the role of UNESCO with regards to Education becomes even more important than ever. Education is the most effective tool to protect youth from radicalization through building peace in the minds of men and women; the primary objective of UNESCO. Member states are urged to support and empower UNESCO more than ever. UNESCO’s field structures are crucial. Equally important is its partnership programs with key actors nationally, regionally and with other UN agencies as well as governments and civil society.
Looking back on your efforts on children’s rights reform in Egypt, and looking forward to the future challenges, what is the role of implementation in advancing human rights.
Implementation is key. Without implementation, human rights become empty slogans. The United Nations human rights system is one of the successes of our multilateralism. Its strength lies in its emphasis on implementation. The primary responsibility for the implementation of human rights falls upon States. Implementation of human rights requires raising the awareness of individuals of their rights. Equally important is capacity building for professionals. The measures of implementation of human rights at the national level also include putting in place the following:
- A national legal framework harmonised with the internationally agreed human rights standards as defined by the UN human Rights conventions.
- A national action plan with time bound objectives.
- A centralised data system disaggregated as per grounds of discrimination.
- Allocation of budgetary resources to the maximum available and, where possible, through international cooperation.
- Partnership with the civil society.
- Monitoring and evaluation.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.