Anders Hedberg


Diplomatic Courier

Anders Hedberg earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physiology and Pharmacology at the School of Medicine, University of Göteborg, Sweden. Dr. Hedberg has taught and conducted research at the School of Medicine, U. of Göteborg, AstraZeneca Cardiovascular, Göteborg, Sweden, Universität Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Frankfurt a/M, Germany, University of Colorado Medical School in Denver, and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Dr. Hedberg has pursued research and published extensively on mechanisms of pharmacological intervention in hypertension, heart failure, myocardial ischemia and thrombosis, holding positions as Principal Scientist, Research Group Leader and Section Head in the Department of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Bristol-Myers Squibb Research & Development (BMSR&D).

As Director, BMSR&D Center for Science Education, Dr. Hedberg was responsible for science communication, education, and training of BMSR&D scientists worldwide. He also developed a comprehensive science outreach program for BMS, with focus on improvement of science education in countries where BMS operates and established strong alliances with leading national and international science education agencies in government, private, and non-profit sectors.

As Director, BMS Corporate Philanthropy, in addition to oversight and governance of the company’s global charitable giving, he led the worldwide education program of Bristol-Myers Squibb, including grant making and program development in medical research, preK-20 STEM and health education.

Dr. Hedberg has served on several national boards, including the Smithsonian Science Education Center, (Chair Emer.), SSEC International Coalition (Chair Emer.), Teach for America, National Alliance of Business, Biological Science Curriculum Study, the Conference Board Education Council, Rider University Science Advisory Board (Chair Emer.), the R&D Council of New Jersey and the Newgrange School of Princeton, NJ. He is a member of the STEMconnector Innovation Task Force where he co-chairs the Subcommittee on Global Breakthroughs.

He currently leads a private consultancy firm specializing in partnership development and collaboration between the education, private and government sectors for STEM education and workforce development in the US and internationally.

Dr. Hedberg divides his time between office locations in the greater New York/Philadelphia Metropolitan area and Stockholm, Sweden.