
t the 79th UNGA, diplomats will pull on heartstrings as much as purse strings with appeals to address the world’s many challenges. In a world mired by polycrisis, each UN gathering since the body was founded was meant to spur coordinated action ensuring world peace, cohesion, and prosperity. Despite fleeting progress, the opportunity for the UN to support technology optimism can etch a silver lining in the clouds. 

In an era defined by technological advancement, the world stands at a crossroads. While technology holds immense potential to address our most pressing challenges, from climate change to economic inequality, a pervasive sense of skepticism overshadows its benefits. The UN, champion of multilateralism, is uniquely positioned to spearhead a technology optimism campaign underscoring the transformative power of innovation. Such a campaign would not only counterbalance prevailing narratives of technological dystopia, but also mobilize collective action towards a future where technology serves as a force for good. 

Technology alone is not a panacea. The same innovations that power medical breakthroughs and connect billions can also exacerbate social divides and disrupt traditional industries. However, the current discourse fixates on the risks, sidelining the extraordinary opportunities. This imbalance is more than a media narrative; it shapes public perception, influencing policy decisions and slowing the adoption of prosperity–enhancing technologies. The UN must pivot from reactive measures to leading by example, highlighting how technology—when aligned with human–centric values—can accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

A technology optimism campaign would serve multiple critical functions. It would foster a global dialogue that redefines the role of technology in society—emphasizing empowerment, equity, and resilience. By showcasing success stories where technology has bridged gaps in education, healthcare, and financial inclusion, the campaign can inspire nations to harness digital tools for public good. It is not enough to identify problems; we must also champion the solutions that exist today, from AI–driven transformation of human potential to blockchain technologies that promote transparency in humanitarian aid. 

A technology optimism campaign can galvanize investment in innovation, particularly in underrepresented regions. Encouraging public and private sectors to support technological initiatives that address global challenges will spur inclusive economic growth, creating jobs and opportunities in emerging markets. Highlighting the intersection of technology and social impact can reshape the investment landscape, driving resources toward ventures that prioritize societal benefits alongside financial returns. 

The world does not need blind optimism, but informed optimism—an approach that recognizes the complexities of technological integration while steadfastly believing in its potential.

Dante A. Disparte
Dante A. Disparte serves as the Chief Strategy Officer & Head of Global Policy for Circle and is member of Diplomatic Courier’s editorial advisory board.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.

a global affairs media network


The UN should promote technology optimism

United Nations headquarters, New York City. Photo by Terry Mosley from Unsplash.

September 24, 2024

The UN should spearhead a technology optimism campaign, redefining the role of technology in society. When aligned with human–centric values, technology can accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), writes Dante A. Disparte.


t the 79th UNGA, diplomats will pull on heartstrings as much as purse strings with appeals to address the world’s many challenges. In a world mired by polycrisis, each UN gathering since the body was founded was meant to spur coordinated action ensuring world peace, cohesion, and prosperity. Despite fleeting progress, the opportunity for the UN to support technology optimism can etch a silver lining in the clouds. 

In an era defined by technological advancement, the world stands at a crossroads. While technology holds immense potential to address our most pressing challenges, from climate change to economic inequality, a pervasive sense of skepticism overshadows its benefits. The UN, champion of multilateralism, is uniquely positioned to spearhead a technology optimism campaign underscoring the transformative power of innovation. Such a campaign would not only counterbalance prevailing narratives of technological dystopia, but also mobilize collective action towards a future where technology serves as a force for good. 

Technology alone is not a panacea. The same innovations that power medical breakthroughs and connect billions can also exacerbate social divides and disrupt traditional industries. However, the current discourse fixates on the risks, sidelining the extraordinary opportunities. This imbalance is more than a media narrative; it shapes public perception, influencing policy decisions and slowing the adoption of prosperity–enhancing technologies. The UN must pivot from reactive measures to leading by example, highlighting how technology—when aligned with human–centric values—can accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

A technology optimism campaign would serve multiple critical functions. It would foster a global dialogue that redefines the role of technology in society—emphasizing empowerment, equity, and resilience. By showcasing success stories where technology has bridged gaps in education, healthcare, and financial inclusion, the campaign can inspire nations to harness digital tools for public good. It is not enough to identify problems; we must also champion the solutions that exist today, from AI–driven transformation of human potential to blockchain technologies that promote transparency in humanitarian aid. 

A technology optimism campaign can galvanize investment in innovation, particularly in underrepresented regions. Encouraging public and private sectors to support technological initiatives that address global challenges will spur inclusive economic growth, creating jobs and opportunities in emerging markets. Highlighting the intersection of technology and social impact can reshape the investment landscape, driving resources toward ventures that prioritize societal benefits alongside financial returns. 

The world does not need blind optimism, but informed optimism—an approach that recognizes the complexities of technological integration while steadfastly believing in its potential.

Dante A. Disparte
Dante A. Disparte serves as the Chief Strategy Officer & Head of Global Policy for Circle and is member of Diplomatic Courier’s editorial advisory board.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.