Karenann Terrell, EVP and Chief Information Officer at Walmart, sat for an interview with the Diplomatic Courier at "Talent Mobility & the Future of Jobs: The World in 2050".
[Diplomatic Courier:] If you could submit one idea to help address youth unemployment, what would it be?
[Karenann Terrell:] If youth unemployment is going to be addressed around the world, companies for profit, nonprofit agencies, and educational institutions have got to simultaneously attack that problem. Companies cannot do it on their own. Certainly educational institutions only get so far, because it is the education-to-job continuum that is really broken with our youth. Whether it’s access to education in order to get the jobs that are available, or the connection from an education into an open and available job. We’ve got to do a better job of actually trying to solve the one problem together in a collaboration, instead of going after it company by company, education, and school, and nonprofit by nonprofit. We have got to go after it one for all.
a global affairs media network
Karenann Terrell of Walmart: On Addressing Youth Unemployment

February 25, 2014
Karenann Terrell, EVP and Chief Information Officer at Walmart, sat for an interview with the Diplomatic Courier at "Talent Mobility & the Future of Jobs: The World in 2050".
[Diplomatic Courier:] If you could submit one idea to help address youth unemployment, what would it be?
[Karenann Terrell:] If youth unemployment is going to be addressed around the world, companies for profit, nonprofit agencies, and educational institutions have got to simultaneously attack that problem. Companies cannot do it on their own. Certainly educational institutions only get so far, because it is the education-to-job continuum that is really broken with our youth. Whether it’s access to education in order to get the jobs that are available, or the connection from an education into an open and available job. We’ve got to do a better job of actually trying to solve the one problem together in a collaboration, instead of going after it company by company, education, and school, and nonprofit by nonprofit. We have got to go after it one for all.