
e’re nearing the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and nearing the home stretch in what has been an extremely eventful 2024. That’s true for global affairs writ large, but also for Diplomatic Courier organizationally. With the frantic pace of the year thus far, Diplomatic Courier’s staff is “Gone Fishing—staff will be taking some time away to recharge in preparation for what we expect to also be a frantically paced end of the year. Not to worry! We’ll be back to our regular publications right after Labor Day. 

In the meantime, here is a selection of articles from the year so far. These articles all touch on themes or trends which we expect to be particularly impactful to our societies. Our staff has curated this list to bring you reads that we think speak to something fundamental about forces at work today—and thus are evergreen—or which have special relevance today. You can find the  entire list below, while on social media we'll be highlighting a few reads from the list each day.

War and peace

Democracy in the crossfire

Dialogue of civilizations

Education and work


Shane Szarkowski
Dr. Shane C. Szarkowski is Editor–in–Chief of Diplomatic Courier and the Executive Director of World in 2050.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.

a global affairs media network


Diplomatic Courier's 'Gone Fishing' summer 2024 reading list

Image by Alain Audet from Pixabay.

August 22, 2024

Diplomatic Courier’s staff is hanging up our ‘mostly out of office’ sign for a few weeks to recharge before the end of summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) —but don’t worry, we’ll be back Sept. 3! Meanwhile, here is our ‘best of’ summer reading list to peruse until our return. Thanks for reading!


e’re nearing the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and nearing the home stretch in what has been an extremely eventful 2024. That’s true for global affairs writ large, but also for Diplomatic Courier organizationally. With the frantic pace of the year thus far, Diplomatic Courier’s staff is “Gone Fishing—staff will be taking some time away to recharge in preparation for what we expect to also be a frantically paced end of the year. Not to worry! We’ll be back to our regular publications right after Labor Day. 

In the meantime, here is a selection of articles from the year so far. These articles all touch on themes or trends which we expect to be particularly impactful to our societies. Our staff has curated this list to bring you reads that we think speak to something fundamental about forces at work today—and thus are evergreen—or which have special relevance today. You can find the  entire list below, while on social media we'll be highlighting a few reads from the list each day.

War and peace

Democracy in the crossfire

Dialogue of civilizations

Education and work


Shane Szarkowski
Dr. Shane C. Szarkowski is Editor–in–Chief of Diplomatic Courier and the Executive Director of World in 2050.
The views presented in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of any other organization.